When Salamanca (Spain) was the cultural capital of Europe, EDUC@S organized for Paz Beltrán, an artist from Castellón (Spain), three art exhibits to show pieces of her oil on canvas creations in the city:

- "Women",  exhibited in the "Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Salamanca". 02.14/05.25.2002.

EDUC@S organised for Paz Beltrán in the Salamanca Language School an art exhibit to show pieces of her oil on canvas creations reflecting women of different races.

- "Women for Peace", "Sala Picasso de la Fundación Caja Duero", 05.27/06.02.2002.

In this art exhibit Paz Beltrán reflects her vision of women walking together looking for peace and cultural understanding.

- "Elements", Sala de Exposiciones "Espacio Joven", Ayuntamiento de Salamanca, 08.01/08.31.2002.

A final exhibit encompassed of "Elements", which reflects her impressions of nature and life and "Women for Peace" was showed in the "Sala de Exposiciones del Espacio Joven del Ayuntamiento de Salamanca", from the 08.01/08.31.2002. With this exhibit Paz Beltran and EDUC@S wanted to show her appreciation to Salamanca 2002.